because i felt like it!

1. Name: Heidi Marie

2. Were you named after anyone? Not really. Middle name is my mom’s middle name as well.

3. Do you wish on stars? Oh yes. That’s what they are for, right?

4. Which finger is your favorite? Thumb

5. When did you last cry? Probably teared up during some movie. But really cried? Maybe when
we were moving out of sheer exhaustion and pain.

6. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you? Ohhhh, I have no idea.
Any suggestions?

7. Do you like your handwriting? Yea.

8. Who do you admire? My parents and my grandma

9. What is the #1 priority in your life? Friends/family

10. What is your favorite lunch? Mexican

11. Any bad habits? I am sure. Not throwing papers, wrappers, etc in the garbage right away

12. What store would you never be caught dead in? I can’t really think of one.
But any store where I am immediately accosted by an overly helpful sales associate (especially if
they’re after commission) will piss me off and assure that I will not return there.

13. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Well, yea.

14. Are you a daredevil? Not so much.

15. Name the person that you have had the deepest philosophical talk with? Kevin

16. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn’t tell? No.

17. Have you ever stolen anything? Not that I remember.

18. Do looks matter? Not to me. But they OBVIOUSLY do, whether I want them to or not.

19. Do you pray? In many ways

20.Have you ever met anyone famous? A few people

21. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? I freakin’ wish.

22. Are you trendy? I can’t say that I am.

23. What do you do to prevent anger? Well, I am not generally an angry person. But I don’t
think preventing it is really possible or a good idea . . .

24. Are you passive or aggressive? Over the years have moved away from passivity toward more
aggression and assertion.

25. Who is your idol? Idol is a really strong word. I really have a lot of respect for my ancestors
and for my professors

26. Who is your second family? The people I choose to be my friends

27. Do you trust others easily? I do, but if it is hurt in some way I am not sure you get it back.

28. What were your favorite toys as a child? Record player, tape recorder (I was a menace with
that thing!) Mr. Teddy. Small dolls.

29. What class in school did you think was totally useless? Phys ed. What a waste.

30. Have you ever been on radio or television? Both.

31. Do you like sappy love songs? Some

32. What is your greatest fear? Drowning

32. Do you have a journal? Many of them!

33. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone? Yeah, long time ago, but it makes me feel gross to
think about it.

34. Do you like sarcasm? Me. No way. I can’t imagine WHO would enjoy that sort of harsh
interaction. *giggle*

35. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Once. Never again.

36. Do you feel understood most of the time? Not really, nut it’s not in that woeful, whiny, i-am-
misunderstood way.

37. What is your most favorite possession? Great grandma’s opal ring

38. Have you thought seriously about committing suicide? I have never been suicidal, but i have
thought about suicide. Does that make sense?

39. Do you know what `sctief’ is? Uh, no.

40. What is your nickname? Marie.

41. What is the worst thing anyone has said to you? I’d like to not muse on the many hurtful
things that have been said to me just to come up with the primo ultimate to write here.

42. Would you ever bungee jump? Don’t think so

43. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? No, but I untie them to put them on.

44. What are you worried about right now? That I will be working more hours next week.

45. Do you ever wear overalls? Hell yea.

46. Do you think you are strong? Physically, sorta. Constitutionally, yes. Mentally, yes.

47. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate

My name is: Heidi
I may seem: outgoing
But I’m really: quite a hermit
People who know me think: I am nuts. (But usually in a good way)
If you knew me you’d probably: think so, too.
Sometimes I feel: pretty damn tired of this crazy world
My days are pretty: busy, but fun
Yesterday: was my 27th birthday
In the morning I: got to bed. Lol.
I like to sleep: under lots of blankets and with a cat.
If I could be doing anything right now I would be: traveling
Money is: a radical pain in the ass
One thing I don’t have that I wish I did is: a week off to clean my house, then another to make art.
One thing I have that I wish I didn’t is: uh, a disease.
All you need is: love, of couse.
All I need is: love and chocolate. Sometimes i get them confused.
If I had one wish it would be: more wishes, duh.
When I look in the mirror I see: my reflection. Is this a trick question?
Love is: all you need. That song really keeps me from hearing anything else follow these prompts.
My body: is aching more every day. Eek.
If an angel flew into my window at night I would: smile and take a picture
If a demon crashed into my window I would: take a picture (right after I piss myself) and sell it
for lots of money.
If I could see one person right now it would be: my mom— but i hate to pick just one of my
parents. That’s unfair. So, let’s say dave.
Something I want but I don’t really need is: not to have to work.
Something I need but I don’t really want is: to have this last wisdom tooth cut out.
I live for: way too many reasons to list here.
I dare you all to: fill all this shit out, too.
I am afraid of: truly scary movies
It makes me angry when: people under 25, and with less than 3 people in the vehicle, drive SUVS.
I dream about: people i know and people my mind makes up and usually about really mundane things.
I daydream about: damn. Just realized I haven’t really had time to let my consciousness drift

2 Years Ago:
1. Was still really sick
2. Lived in Richmond, Indiana
3. Had a couple of close friends that I no longer have.
4. Was still in grad school
5. Hated life

1 Year Ago, I:
1. Lost a friend
2. Made a new friend
3. Lived alone
4. Sang alot
5. Worked at blockbuster

Yesterday, I:
1. Turned 27
2. Worked
3. Slept
4. Ate too much
5. Talked to my granny

Today, (so far, as it’s only 1:41am) I:
1. Checked my email
2. Ate a little snickers bar.
3. Made a list of things i need to do
4. Drank more tea
5. Took a pill

Five Things I Would buy With $100,000:
1. Pay off my loans
2. Give the rest to mom and dad so they can move.

Top Five Locations I’d Like To Run Away To:
1. London
2. Prague
3. Paris
4. Portland
5. Home


my brain is fuzzy at the moment. It feels much later than it is for some reason.
i must soon make decisions about my holiday attire . . .
i’ve been doing lots of reading lately and have found many of my interests renewed. I miss studying art history.
I miss writing theology papers. I miss performing. I have no idea how to reconcile my desire to pursue so many avenues with equal fervor. **sigh**

so, i will fill out yet another survey-ma-jig

more bio survey junk

Starting time: 12:40am
Name: heidi
Nicknames: marie, ho, heidimarie
School: none for the first time in my life!
Height: 5’4
Siblings: nope
Sex Before Marriage? hell, why not.
Been so drunk you threw up? no.
Been so drunk you blacked out? no.
Ever helped somebody else cheat? I would imagine, yes at some point, and by someone’s definition
Missed school b/c it was raining: I don’t think so
Set any body part on fire for amusement: no, just hairbrushes
Kept a secret from everyone: yeah.
Had an imaginary friend? tons. propley, googoo, judy, pat, west bingy and west rocky to name a few. lol.
Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yes….many times
Cried during a Flick: yeah, but I can’t think of any at the moment
Had a crush on a teacher: sure, probably more than one!
Ever thought an animated character was hot: not really, no.
Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: I did at some point.
Prank called someone: yes, on many occasions
Been on stage: lots
Shampoo: the old herbal essence— pre orgasm commercials.
Body wash: something raspberry
Colors: blue, violet
Day/Night: night!! night!!
Summer/Winter: Fall, dammit
Online Smiley: can’t hurt, can it? 🙂
Lace or satin: mmm. satin.
Like anyone: of course.
Known the longest of your friends: back home, Kelly Jo. my cousin, Samantha
Who’s the loudest: We’re all damn loud.
Who’s the shyest: dunno.
Who do you go to for advice: kev, close friends, my mom
Who do you cry with: no one really
———-IN THE LAST 2 Weeks————
Cried: not recently
Cut your hair: Nope
Worn a skirt: yes, it’s part of my uniform at the restauraunt
Been mean: no, just sarcastic at times, maybe bitchy at home.
Been sarcastic: heavens, no. forget what I said earlier 😉
Missed someone: too many people
Hugged someone: yep.
Fought with your parents: no, but I did get to see them and that was exciting.
Wished upon a star: yes, in fact
Laughed until you cried: almost
Played Truth or Dare: god, no.
Watched a sunrise/sunset: saw a pretty sunset earlier this week.
Went to the beach at night: I WISH!
Read a book for fun: frequently
Ate a meal: wtf? of course.
Are you lonely?: sometimes
Are you happy: i think so, yes.
Are you talking to someone online: no
Do you believe in…
God/Devil: good and evil, perhaps. no personifications, please.
Love: So much.
The Closet Monster: no, but you wouldn’t believe it b the way i act sometimes. spooked as i can get.
The Big Bang Theory: sorta.
Heaven/Hell: hmmm. not in the traditional christian sense, i don’t think
Superstitions: some. for fun mostly.
What is your full name? Heidi Marie Gardner
Who named you?: mom and dad
Backstreet Boys or N Sync? neither. n sync somehow seems like the lesser evil. I have no idea why.
When was the last time you showered? about 3pm.
What was the the last thing that you said online? “byeeeeeee” to jen
What is right next to you?: so much shit. phone, a can of spray adhesive, my coke, a dictionary, tissues, my passport, a scarf and a red pen
What is your computer desk made of? Wood. It’s an old kitchen table actually.
What was the last thing that you ate? chicken marsala, yum. technically, a peanut m&m.
What is your favorite state?: ecstasy? lol. colorado or florida
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? ireland. (but I have been married for years)
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? definitely kev, but lots of others, too. heheh
How many buddies do you have on your list: 10 or so.
How’s the weather right now?: chilly. cloudy.
What did you do last night?: worked on my website, read, watched buffy
Pizza or ice cream?: ice cream
How do YOU eat an Oreo? quickly.
Dream car?a jeep
What do you want to be when you grow up? one of everything, please.
What are your future goals? I don’t DO goals. I just wanna be happy.
Favorite days of this year? well, I think last thursday at the show with dad is way up there. . .
Least favorite time of the year: Anytime it’s hot and MUGGY
Fast or slow? fast. ZzoooooOOOOOMmm
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: nah. not anymore.
If you could change your name, what would it be? Cecilia
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? not so much anymore, but i still love my mr. teddy
Have you ever been in love? oh so many times.
What will your first son’s name be?: Bream Kent
Favorite drink?: strawberry crush
Do you like scary or happy movies better? Happy, but I am getting better with the scary ones.
Lust or Love? oooh. I am not going to choose.
Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: sure, why not, everything is a sport these days. I really don’t care.
Do you want your friends to do this survey?: only if they want to.
When’s your birthday? October 30th. soooooooooon 🙂
How old will you be?: 27. yikes.
Time done? 1:07am

paul haters be damned!

ok, so i’ll admit i have never listed paul as my favorite beatle . . .
but that concert rocked my world. it was incredible.
our seats were perfect. he sounded beautiful.
he sang every song i could imagine needing to hear him sing.
his energy is astounding. 3 hours. no break. whoa.
pre-show was very circus-like and fun.
the man is very genuine and has a way of really wearing his warmth and integrity.
and i was there with my daddy.
i teared up twice. when he first started singing. (it’s partly that “oh-mah-god-this-isn’t a cd-playing” thing and partly happiness for my dad.)
and during “let it be” (aformentioned reasons, plus that song is just damn beautiful.)
I really could ramble on. but all I can say is paul earned his way into my world.
and he really is quite a cute little man.
and very charismatic. i suddenly realized how he and three other guys with many of the same qualities reduced crowds to fits of tears and fainting.

so, yeah, even being crazy busy and recovering from being sick, i am happy.

unless i think about iraq or this sniper bullshit.

argh! i can’t take it anymore!

prezzie dubya is on my tv.
the word is NUCLEAR.
sound it out. NU-CLEAR.
two syllables.
not three.
not nu-cue-ler. nuclear.
check merriam-webster.
there is no alternative pronunciation.
it’s a pet peeve anyway, having to hear it a million trillion times in this one unfortunate speech is nearly all i can bear.


okay. kevin just had a butt ass weird experience. my bubby the skeptic. he went to make copies at his office and just returned home in a state of ::creeped out::
Basically he was alone in this building (grad student ghetto offices in a converted dorm) thought he saw a dark shadow in the corner of his eye and got the feeling he needed to get the hell out of there. so he did.

i could sympathize only because I had a similar experience in college.
I was dropping a paper off on the third floor of our humanities academic building. As I was walking back down the hall I “felt” a voice (i presume my own instinct) saying RUN. I did. I remember every step of that journey down the hall, down stairs, past doc mcquilken’s office and thinking ‘almost there,’ down the last flight and busted out the front doors.

i told kev that I didn’t see anything just felt a weight behind me and the urge to get the crap out of there. he basically confirmed that was his experience. now he doesn’t want to go back to his office. lol.